How to insert endnote in word endnote 8
How to insert endnote in word endnote 8

  • Change the footnote or endnote layout.
  • If you choose "Below text," the notes appear immediately under the last text on the page rather than all the way at the bottom. In the Location section, you can choose "Bottom of page" or "Below text" to set where footnotes appear.

    how to insert endnote in word endnote 8

    There are several options on this small dialog box.

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  • how to insert endnote in word endnote 8

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  • how to insert endnote in word endnote 8

  • Library InstructionRequest library instruction for your course or register for a workshop.
  • Services for Faculty and InstructorsA list of services offered to faculty and instructors at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.
  • Course ReservesHow to access course-related materials reserved by faculty for their students.
  • Study SpacesAreas for individual and group study and how to reserve them.
  • Borrow, Renew, RequestHow to borrow materials, request pdf scans, and interlibrary loans.

  • How to insert endnote in word endnote 8